Constellations Re-Run in Singapore
#constellations Theatre is back with a bang!! A quick glimpse for u..Re-run of this fabulous play by Nick Payne.Witness #theatre like never before..! Simple yet complex, romantic yet devastating, 2 characters across various parallel universes; the journey of Marianne (Tania Mukherjee) & Roland (Charan Singh) will leave you aghast!As NY Times rightly put it, “Time, it turns out, is a more effective breaker of hearts than human beings, with all their conflicted intentions, can ever be”
A spellbinding romantic journey of our two main protagonists, Marianne (Tania Mukherjee) & Roland (@Charan Singh) that starts with a simple encounter.Two characters across parallel universes, similar setting and conversations- and what transpires each time…”A very different love story- one that is based in higher physics- sexy yet emotionally devastating”As a review rightly points out, “Short and sweet and strangely haunting…The devilishly clever scribe is not playing games with either his characters or his audience, because with each iteration Roland and Marianne grow closer to one another—and become more important to us. And by the end of the play (has it really been only an hour?), we’re fully invested in their lives. All of them.” —Variety.
Tickets here:…/constellations-a…/NICKPAYN
See u soon on Dec 3rd – 4th 2022 at The Arts House at The Old Parliament