The Curator-Singapore|Lets Think Aloud

Posted by  Himani   in       4 years ago     Leave your thoughts  

‘THE CURATOR’ is a store which has an eclectic mix of art and home decor from different parts of Asia.

As a partner on; with its newest vlog series  ‘Sassy Home (Owners) Singapore’, The Curator brings to you a ‘special promo code’ that you can use to avail discounts on some of their fabulous products.


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At ‘The Curator’ we embrace diverse cultures and capture the essence of various craft styles and mystic beauty of the region through all its various art and decor products. Our products are especially HANDMADE, CURATED AND CUSTOM DESIGNED just for you.

Our Vision is to promote skilled artisans and encourage indigenous craftsmanship thereby helping to provide and sustain employment. Every piece displayed has its own unique story that takes you on a journey where you can feel the magic in its creation. THE CURATOR – Where Luxe meets Subtlety…