adolf karl eichmann

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Eichmann pursued party activities in Linz on weekends while continuing in his position at Vacuum Oil in Salzburg. About 25 percent of each train load, the strongest men and women, were spared for slave labor. His wife, who disliked Berlin, resided in Prague with the children. Eichmann was that SS (Schutzstaffel) officer responsible for transporting Jews and other victims to the extermination camps. [117] In 1957, Bauer passed along the information in person to Mossad director Isser Harel, who assigned operatives to undertake surveillance, but no concrete evidence was initially found. Eichmann exemplified the terrifying discrepancy between the unparalleled and monstrous crime and the colorless official who carried out the evil. Both organisations had known for at least two years that Eichmann was hiding in Argentina, but they did not act because it did not serve their interests in the Cold War. The hanging, scheduled for midnight at the end of 31 May, was slightly delayed and thus took place a few minutes past midnight on 1 June 1962. [130], Eichmann was taken to one of several Mossad safe houses that had been set up by the team. [205] The trial received widespread coverage by the press in West Germany, and many schools added material studying the issues to their curricula. He initially found work in the forestry industry and later leased a small plot of land in Altensalzkoth, where he lived until 1950. [5] The execution was attended by a small group of officials, four journalists and the Canadian clergyman William Lovell Hull, who had been Eichmann's spiritual counselor while in prison. [58], Jews were concentrated into ghettos in major cities with the expectation that at some point they would be transported farther east or even overseas. Company’s ‘Hitler hoodies’ slammed by anti-Nazi Simon Wiesenthal Centre [74] In his covering letter, Heydrich specified that Eichmann would act as his liaison with the departments involved. [c] The trial was widely followed in the media and was later the subject of several books, including Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, in which Arendt coined the phrase "the banality of evil" to describe Eichmann. The people they were sent to rescue refused to leave, so instead the soldiers helped evacuate members of a German field hospital trapped close to the front. [155] The chief prosecutor was Israeli Attorney General Gideon Hausner, assisted by Deputy Attorney General Gabriel Bach and Tel Aviv District Attorney Yaakov Bar-Or. (Karl) Adolf Eichmann was born into a religious middle-class Protestant family in Solingen in western Germany near the Rhine river on March 19, 1906. World Encyclopedia. The Nazi Party was banned in Austria around the same time. [73] Eichmann attended the conference, oversaw the stenographer who took the minutes, and prepared the official distributed record of the meeting. [107] The family built a house at 14 Garibaldi Street (now 6061 Garibaldi Street) and moved in during 1960. [14][15], During this time, he joined the Jungfrontkämpfervereinigung, the youth section of Hermann Hiltl's right-wing veterans movement, and began reading newspapers published by the Nazi Party (NSDAP). Adolf married Veronika Liebl on March 21 1935, at age 29. [101], At the end of the war, Eichmann was captured by US forces and spent time in several camps for SS officers using forged papers that identified him as Otto Eckmann. World Encyclopedia. [146] The Israelis were unwilling to take him to trial based solely on the evidence in documents and witness testimony, so he was subject to daily interrogations, the transcripts of which totalled over 3,500 pages. [54] The job entailed co-ordinating with police agencies for the physical removal of the Jews, dealing with their confiscated property, and arranging financing and transport. The Nazis began the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, and their Jewish policy changed from emigration to extermination. Kaltenbrunner's father and Eichmann's father had been friends; their sons would make careers together in the SS. We know that one doesn't need to be fanatical, sadistic, or mentally ill to murder millions; that it is enough to be a loyal follower eager to do one's duty. (February 19, 2021). Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. He was the son of Adolf Karl Eichmann and his wife Maria Eichmann Schefferling. Jeho otec – Adolf Karl Eichmann pracoval jako účetní v elektropodniku, matka Maria (roz. He later came to consider this as his big break. To co-ordinate planning for the genocide, Heydrich, who was Eichmann's superior, hosted the regime's administrative leaders at the Wannsee Conference on 20 January 1942. [36][37] Eichmann travelled to British Mandatory Palestine with his superior Herbert Hagen in 1937 to assess the possibility of Germany's Jews voluntarily emigrating to that country, disembarking with forged press credentials at Haifa, whence they travelled to Cairo in Egypt. His mother, Vera Eichmann, was 45. [152] The legal basis of the charges against Eichmann was the 1950 Nazi and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law,[153][h] under which he was indicted on 15 criminal charges, including crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, and membership in a criminal organisation. [13] From 1925 to 1927 he worked as a sales clerk for the Oberösterreichische Elektrobau AG radio company. [164][165], The prosecution case was presented over the course of 56 days, involving hundreds of documents and 112 witnesses (many of them Holocaust survivors). [83], Germany invaded Hungary on 19 March 1944. Eichmann left high school—Realschule—without having graduated and began training to beco… [13] He left without attaining a degree and joined his father's new enterprise, the Untersberg Mining Company, where he worked for several months. [190], Eichmann's defence team appealed the verdict to the Israeli Supreme Court. ." He learned about Zionism and even briefly visited Palestine. [201] His last words were reported to be, Long live Germany. He sent for his family in 1952, and they moved to Buenos Aires. Eichmann flees this camp on the knowledge that the Americans are checking prisoners of war for SS tattoos. [130] He was held there for nine days, during which time his identity was double-checked and confirmed. [67] The Generalplan Ost (General Plan for the East) called for deporting the population of occupied Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union to Siberia, for use as slave labour or to be murdered. [162] The trial was held at the Beit Ha'am (today known as the Gerard Behar Center), an auditorium in central Jerusalem. "Sometimes we must interfere. [113] Eichmann's father died in 1960, and Wiesenthal made arrangements for private detectives to surreptitiously photograph members of the family; Eichmann's brother Otto was said to bear a strong family resemblance and there were no current photos of Eichmann. He adopts the name Adolf Karl Barth, and wears the uniform of a second class Luftwaffe airman. Ricardo is now a professor of archaeology at the German Archaeological Institute. [106], Eichmann initially lived in Tucumán Province, where he worked for a government contractor. Eichmann collected information for him, attended the conference, and prepared the minutes. [140] In the ensuing debate, Israeli representative (and later Prime Minister) Golda Meir claimed that the abductors were not Israeli agents but private individuals and so the incident was only an "isolated violation of Argentine law". . [100] Along with many other SS officers who fled in the closing months of the war, Eichmann and his family were living in relative safety in Austria when the war in Europe ended on 8 May 1945. Geheime Staats Polizei ; "Secret State Police"), the secret police of Nazi Germany, their main tool of oppression and destructi…, Term commonly used in English (Hebrew, Shoah) to denote anti-Jewish policies conducted by the Third Reich (Nazi Germany, 1933–1945), resulting in the…, Lvov [88] Round-ups began on 16 April, and from 14 May, four trains of 3,000 Jews per day left Hungary and travelled to the camp at Auschwitz II-Birkenau, arriving along a newly built spur line that terminated a few hundred metres away from the gas chambers. Some authors maintain that his father's name was Karl Adolf, for example, In September 1939, this department was renamed Section IV B4 of the. Encyclopedia of World Biography. [177] Servatius also proposed that decisions of the Nazi government were acts of state and therefore not subject to normal judicial proceedings. At the war's conclusion, Eichmann's father moved the family back to Linz where he operated a business. Both were concerned about what Eichmann might say in his testimony about West German national security advisor Hans Globke, who had coauthored several antisemitic Nazi laws, including the Nuremberg Laws. Eichmann steadily rose in the SS hierarchy, and with the German annexation of Austria in 1938, he was sent to Vienna with the mission of ridding the city of Jews. [180], Throughout his cross-examination, prosecutor Hausner attempted to get Eichmann to admit he was personally guilty, but no such confession was forthcoming. Managed by: Private User Last Updated: May 23, 2018 We'll meet again soon, as is the fate of all men. The three wrestled Eichmann to the ground and, after a struggle, moved him to a car where they hid him on the floor under a blanket. At that time I obeyed my orders without thinking, I just did as I was told. "Adolf Eichmann [179] On the last day of the examination, he stated that he was guilty of arranging the transports, but he did not feel guilty for the consequences. [183] During later examination by the judges, he admitted he meant the Jews, and said the remark was an accurate reflection of his opinion at the time. Malkin, Peter Z., Eichmann in my hands, New York, NY: Warner Books, 1990. Eichmann's principal concern was to maintain the killing capacity of the camps by maintaining a steady flow of victims. Videotape was flown daily to the United States for broadcast the following day. He enjoyed his independence and his sporty car and became a joiner. [8][9][d] The elder Adolf moved to Linz, Austria, in 1913 to take a position as commercial manager for the Linz Tramway and Electrical Company, and the rest of the family followed a year later. In Linz Eichmann went to the same secondary school Hitler had attended some 15 years before. ODESSA, the secret SS organization, arranged his flight to Argentina in 1952. LVOV (Pol. I greet my wife, my family and my friends. [81] His department was in constant contact with the Foreign Office, as Jews of conquered nations such as France could not as easily be stripped of their possessions and deported to their deaths. Under the alias of Ricardo Klement, Eichmann created a new identity as the unassuming employee of the Mercedes-Benz car factory in Buenos Aires. [102] Meanwhile, former commandant of Auschwitz Rudolf Höss and others gave damning evidence about Eichmann at the Nuremberg trials of major war criminals starting in 1946. [53] Within a few days of his appointment, Eichmann formulated a plan to deport 600,000 Jews into the General Government. [158] In an Israeli cabinet meeting shortly after Eichmann's capture, Justice Minister Pinchas Rosen stated "I think that it will be impossible to find an Israeli lawyer, a Jew or an Arab, who will agree to defend him", and thus a foreign lawyer would be necessary. [206] In Israel, the testimony of witnesses at the trial led to a deeper awareness of the impact of the Holocaust on survivors, especially among younger citizens. After the death of Maria in 1916, Eichmann's father married Maria Zawrzel, a devout Protestant with two sons. [185][188] When considering the sentence, the judges concluded that Eichmann had not merely been following orders, but believed in the Nazi cause wholeheartedly and had been a key perpetrator of the genocide. Dieter Wisliceny testified at Nuremberg that Eichmann told him he would "leap laughing into the grave because the feeling that he had five million people[b] on his conscience would be for him a source of extraordinary satisfaction". [153] Hausner's opening address began, "It is not an individual that is in the dock at this historic trial and not the Nazi regime alone, but anti-Semitism throughout history. [53], On 19 December 1939, Eichmann was assigned to head RSHA Referat IV B4 (RSHA Sub-Department IV-B4), tasked with overseeing Jewish affairs and evacuation. [21], Like many other National Socialists fleeing Austria in the spring of 1933, Eichmann left for Passau, where he joined Andreas Bolek at his headquarters. [207] The trial therefore greatly reduced the previously popular misconception that Jews had gone "like sheep to the slaughter". Next, between 1927 and early 1933, Eichmann worked in Upper Austria and Salzburg as district agent for the Vacuum Oil Company AG. Because of his dark looks he was apparently chided as "the little Jew." He held a series of low-paying jobs until finding employment at Mercedes-Benz, where he rose to department head. Otto Adolf Eichmann (* 19. BORN: October 7, 1900 • Munich, Germany The plan was stymied by Hans Frank, governor-general of the occupied territories, who was disinclined to accept the deportees as to do so would have a negative impact on economic development and his ultimate goal of Germanisation of the region. [139] Argentina requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council in June 1960, after unsuccessful negotiations with Israel, as they regarded the capture to be a violation of their sovereign rights. [149] When additional information was brought forward that forced Eichmann into admitting what he had done, Eichmann would insist he had no authority in the Nazi hierarchy and was only following orders. At the end of the war Eichmann was rounded up, but he managed to disguise his identity and escaped detection. Adolf Eichmann. [103], In 1948, Eichmann obtained a landing permit for Argentina and false identification under the name Ricardo Klement through an organisation directed by Bishop Alois Hudal, an Austrian cleric then residing in Italy with known Nazi sympathies. After the death of Maria in 1916, Eichmann's father married Maria Zawrzel, a devout Protestant with two sons. [152] Eichmann was convicted on 15 counts of crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, and membership in a criminal organisation. Eichmann was captured by the Mossad in Argentina on 11 May 1960 and subsequently found guilty of war crimes in a widely publicised trial in Jerusalem, where he was executed by hanging in 1962. Retrieved February 19, 2021 from [94] In June 1944 Eichmann was involved in negotiations with Rudolf Kasztner that resulted in the rescue of 1,684 people, who were sent by train to safety in Switzerland in exchange for three suitcases full of diamonds, gold, cash, and securities. In 1932 the fanatical young Ernst Kaltenbrunner recruited Eichmann for the Austrian Nazi party and the SS. [141] Israel and Argentina issued a joint statement on 3 August, after further negotiations, admitting the violation of Argentinian sovereignty but agreeing to end the dispute. Adolf Eichmann was born in the Rhineland (Western Germany) city of Solingen in 1906, and was the son of accountant Adolf Karl and his wife Maria. [216], "Eichmann" redirects here. . [133] Eitan told the Haaretz newspaper in 2008 that they decided not to pursue Mengele as it might have jeopardised the Eichmann operation. On May 13, 1960, Adolf Eichmann was seized by Israeli agents in Argentina and smuggled back to Jerusalem to stand trial for his role in the murder of one-third of Europe's Jewish people during World War II. The appeal was heard by a five-judge Supreme Court panel consisting of Supreme Court President Yitzhak Olshan and judges Shimon Agranat, Moshe Zilberg, Yoel Zussman, and Alfred Witkon.

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