how to get amazon reviews for your book

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Be warned: this will take effort. Step 2: Click on their profiles to see which books they've reviewed: No longer does Amazon have a specific spot for email address. First, Get Your Kit Together. For the book delivery, you can upload a PDF version as well as a Mobi version of the book. If so, it would be really nice if you could share this book with your friends and family by posting to Facebook and Twitter. Now that you have a subsection of that original list that has accepted a book in exchange for an honest review, it's safe to add them to an email list and mail them all at once. The way publishing a book works these days, one of the most valuable things I can do is launch the book with reader reviews on Amazon. It's time to thank your list. How to Get Book Reviews: A Step-By-Step Framework. I want to sell as many copies as possible!" As a general rule, these should be approached with caution unless you have a proven book that you know will work well with a specific site or book marketing list. It is. Fast!!! You can choose to see that as a problem, lamenting how hard it is to get noticed these days, or you can do the work that other authors won't — and reap all of the rewards. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to get more book reviews and in turn, sell more books. When it comes to building a launch team, it is about building relationships over the long term. If you value your time at more than $4.00/hour, then our service is the better bang for the buck. If there’s a book review that should be live but has not been posted, you can contact Amazon for information on it. Your pitches offering free books in exchange for an honest review will start falling on deaf ears because there are simply too many other authors looking for the same thing. But although they’re hardly the skeleton key to success, reviews are still important for a few reasons we’ll discuss below. As scary as it can be to leave your own fate in the hands of others, it’s true – especially if you publish through Amazon. NOt only it saved me countless hours but the response rate was amazing. It's in our nature to respond favorably to requests for help, especially when you're offering something in return. Create your list of potential reviewers. I have a page at the back of my books that looks like this: What Did You Think of [Your Book Title Here]? Scott currently lives In Japan where he resides full time, and is at work on several new writing projects. If you're a first-time author, or an experienced writer without a large platform, this might discourage you . It's not a bad idea, but it becomes less and less effective the more people use it. One point to note here is that, with Amazon’s policy for posting reviews, you have to have an account that has made a purchase of at least $50 using a valid credit or debit card. BookRazor offers more insight than I'd be able to attain on my own and really helped connect me with people who might enjoy my writing. I dreaded to do this myself and scroll through thousands of reviewers to find the most appropriate ones. that might be interested in their book. Simple. Start building your relationships early. You can create a folder in Dropbox and just include the link to a shared folder. You can expect reviews to be posted within 72 hours after being submitted. 6. Check out our service tailored for independent authors. Overall I would not hesitate to recommend them to others. Contact them closer to the launch of your next book to get them on board. Even though it might be late, it still helps your book rank higher in your Amazon category. Honest, in-depth reviews of your book are one of those key factors (alongside book sales). Please … Make it as easy as possible so you aren’t wasting time searching for contact information. You are looking for reviewers who have already reviewed books in your genre, and once you’ve found them, any … If there's anything that I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. I would highly recommend. Set up a launch team for your book. How to Get Reviews for Your Book on Amazon. These can take the form of services that find reviewers for you, provide templates for emailing, etc — they're quite diverse. Amazon has done a better job keeping that under wraps than Colonel Sanders has with … But first of all, receiving a negative review isn’t the end of the world. I usually spend 6-8 hours searching for only half the number of emails I received from BookRazor. Product reviews that are not marked “Amazon Verified Purchase” are valuable as well, but we either can’t confirm that the product was purchased at Amazon or the customer did not pay a price available to most Amazon shoppers. It's like having a PR assistant or intern help you out for a very reasonable price. After a few days I received a list of potential reviewers and about 11-12 replied within 72 h, satisfied to read, and make an honest review about the book!I could not me more satisfied with the service, as well Dane has a very personalized approach to each author, and tries to give a step-by-step procedure about the best practices to be succeeded. Make it so easy for them that it requires as little effort as possible. They also provided me with a template and two articles to help me along the way. I wasn't sure if this service would be worth it, but it is. But it's not the hardest part of being an author. If you'd like to leave your thoughts on the book in a review, you can do so here (it would be greatly appreciated): Click here to leave a review for [Book Title]. The ease of its use enables a person to generate sizable lists of contacts in minutes instead of the hours as it now takes. The tactics we'll get into in the next section are very time consuming, so anything that can speed up the process without sacrificing quality is a good use of money. It's best to schedule this the night before for 6 or 7am EST so your email is staring them in the face first thing in the morning. What happens to those other 50% who don’t review? But remember it takes readers time to go through your book and so, if you don’t see the reviews appear in the first week, you might get them trickling in weeks or even months later. 4. You'll still have to do the rest of the pitching yourself, but we've become experts at finding Amazon reviewers that are interested in your book category and topic, and have a history of leaving honest reviews for new authors. Contact Your List: If you have a list, this is gold for getting paid downloads and possible reviews. If you have multiple books and have been through the publishing process already, take note of the readers who have left reviews already. Morning! A free and easy to manage option is MailChimp. The service provided by Book Razor was amazing. Generally speaking, if you want 100 reviews for your book, you should aim for at least 200 people. Book buyers will use them to decide if they want to buy your book. The more personal the request, the more likely it … Readers will leave a negative review for various reasons, and in most cases, there is nothing we can do. I also made several new fans who both blogged about my novel and asked that I tell them when my next book comes out. Then you’ll become eligible to write paid reviews as well. Many authors will include a cute ‘cat photo’ or even pictures of their kids begging asking for a review. This is a time-consuming process but, if you can get 2-3 reviewers to agree to a book review, you’re all set. Book reviewers help spread the message about your book by publishing a review to their own network. Simply put, most authors launching books on Amazon don't go through even half of this effort to get their book out there, and consequently end up with a lackluster book launch. How long does it take for reviews to appear on Amazon? 1. This is a breakdown of why book reviews matter: Book reviews for your book on Amazon are one of the defining factors that determine if a potential reader will click the BUY NOW button or not. 3.2 Reviewers of Similar Books in Your Genre, 7. If you want to take it even further, you can send everyone on your list an email, even if they didn't end up reviewing your book. . While the logic isn't false, it is a bit twisted. If you're sending digitally, send them a zipped file of the three popular digital formats (.pdf, .epub, and .mobi) so you don't have to go back and forth with them over file types. Don't send this as a mass email. If you read a great book recently and you want to tell people about it, you can take a few minutes to write up a positive review. I had thought they would come back to me after a week but in three days I received a reaponse. You could add something of value here just to show subscribers how much you value their support. It will NOT talk about how much you love your book, how badly you need reviews, or anything else that you want from them. I'm sending the first batch of queries out today, will update again when I have a better sense of how it goes, but BookRazor delivered as promised with information I could not have obtained on my own. Send your team a PDF/MOBI/EPUB file and follow up with email right up until launch. Almost all authors start out here, and for good reason. You are not guaranteed fifty responses, but you will generate interest in enough people to notch some honest reviews. Therefore you must get reviews! There is no guaranteed way of getting reviews for your book on Amazon … Here are three more ways to get book reviews for your work, so you can bolster your Amazon profile and start making some serious sales. But if you’re new to publishing, you have to figure out how to get those book reviews that can bring you more readers. By taking the necessary steps and eliminating unwanted distractions that keep you stuck, you are free to focus on the essentials. Writing a review for a book you like is a great way to drive potential readers to the title. If a book has 100 positive 5-star reviews, although the reviews may be legitimate, we know that not every book is perfect. Having worked with many authors on book launches and obtaining reviews, there are a few common misconceptions and beliefs that prevent authors from getting the most they can out of their books. It's a gentle nudge to anyone on your list that hasn't read the book yet. Once again, if you don't have the time, we specialize in providing a cheap, done for you version of this. You can relaunch your book if book sales drop and the reviews stop coming in. There are many other sites you can check out as well, and many of them are free while some are paid: Here is a tactic that works well. Just follow steps 2-5 and modify your email templates to the following: The goal here is to start with as big a list of people as you can come up with. When Should I Start My Book Promotions? How to Get Great Amazon Book Reviews Click To Tweet. So far, so good. In today's world, where self publishing is so accessible to authors at any level and in any genre, the real problem is getting attention for your book. Yes No Thank you for your feedback. I recommend this service to any author who is looking for a positive and simple way to boost sales through more reviews. Before the book comes out, encourage your colleagues to pre-order the book. Add everyone to the list. I would definitely recommend BookRazor to other authors. Trusted service, no pre-approval needed. We will look at the ways to get legitimate Amazon reviews for your book so that you can reap the benefits of turning your book into a thriving long-term business. Many buyers add their contact information to their profiles on Amazon. Amazon’s system is designed to take notice of books that are getting steady traction when reviews get posted. Your book is live and it is time for people to step up. If you've done your job, reviews should start coming in over the course of the next day or two. I am getting good results, and have only sent a few emails. It would be helpful to include quick instructions on how to use each filetype, just in case they don't know. Some may take much shorter and other times it can take longer. Most authors think that writing a book is the hard part.

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