should teachers be armed pros and cons

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Police officers are not always going to be there on time. An armed teacher may potentially shoot an unarmed student or a first responder in the chaos of a mass shooting. Teachers SHOULD NOT be armed. Students are afraid to go to school,parents are … 98.7% of school shootings world wide are committed by students, that leaves 1.3% caused by teachers, most of which with a war background and not control … Copyrights © 2021 - You'll Definitely Find Your Academic Helper Here.All rights reserved. • Armed teachers could make things harder for first responders: Another argument questioned whether police responding to a school shooting could easily distinguish between gunfire from school shooters and armed staff shooting back, and whether the staff shooting back would be proficient enough not to injure bystanders or first responders. Schools should think carefully before they allow armed teachers in their schools. Other … These options offer no protection for them. • Armed staff on-site could respond to a shooter before police: In rural school districts or districts without dedicated school resource officers, police and medics could be responding from a distance, said Pennsylvania State Sen. Don White, R-Indiana County, who proposed a bill that would let school districts and teachers volunteer to be armed. I'm not saying we should or should not arm teachers. There are both pros and cons to guns in school. > What are the pros and cons of giving teachers guns? But what are the pros and cons of armed patrols? Should Teachers And Staff Be Allowed To Carry Concealed? We should have guns. Nowadays, some dangerous situations are likely to occur in schools. Tony Long argues all police should be armed (Image: Birmingham Post and Mail). Should Teachers be Armed Over the years we have heard that a school has been threatened or an intruder has came in and brought danger to the students, as a teacher they are taught to lock the door and hide in the corner thinking that the intruder won’t see them or won’t come in. I strongly believe that teachers should carry guns, this is not to say that we should just hand them out to all teachers but if we had 2 or 3 trained and prepared adults watching over and protecting the students from themselves. Most law enforcement experts argue that teachers should not carry guns. Anonymous says 2013-05-11T02:20:59.277. If there's a shooting at a school, should educators be prepared to shoot back? An armed teacher may potentially shoot an unarmed student or a first responder in the chaos of a mass shooting. The average police response time in the United States is ten minutes, according to To prevent these things from happening to the students Don't include URLs to Web sites. The Ohio course, he said, required participating teachers to get better scores on a firing range than police officers. Even for those who would volunteer to carry guns, training and qualifying to be the kind of "experts" Trump wanted to make split-second decisions would take time and effort outside the classroom, and "checking and monitoring and retraining" would be a burden on districts, Avery Gardiner, co-president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, told NBC News . Yes. To avoid distracting other readers, we won't publish comments that suggest a correction. Some students may get curios about the gun. Cons: Most teachers do not have the temperament to be put into the position of protecting students with a firearm. Protection of Children. As a teacher, I'd often get annoyed when I would catch students looking through my desk for mints.Replace 'mints' with 'guns', and *there you have it*. " * Attackers don’t know who is armed and who isn’t. That is why Colorado educators have decided to attend advanced training to be able to protect their students in case of emergency. Pros And Cons Of Guns Essay 1351 Words | 6 Pages. Earlier in the month, both Florida and Texas passed legislation to allow for a greater number of teachers to be armed. They hold their fire when the risks to others are too high.". Kelly Blake, agricultural education teacher at Fleming School, said that she just wants her students to be protected at all times. They should be able to respond to injuries, provide medical assistance, and use firearms effectively against any threat that can happen. Police officers can take too lon… HEADFAKE Background: "The Great Debate" Cons: More Casualties Due to recent events such as the Columbine massacre and Sandy Hook more and more are asking "Should teachers be armed?" People should be free to carry guns and teachers shouldn't be an exception to this. The choice to arm our teachers and school staff is quite complex. So, do we have to have arming school teachers? Instead, corrections will be made in a blog post or in an article. Teachers SHOULD NOT be armed. List of the Pros of Arming Teachers 1. The idea of arming teachers—or loosening state restrictions to allow concealed-carry permit holders to bring guns into schools—is often circulated after school attacks. Our goal is to provide substantive commentary for a general readership. * Much cheaper than dedicated armed security. A classroom is a charged place. The world-known school shooting incidents have sent distraught parents and educators on a search for effective preventative measures. Matthew Santoni is a Tribune-Review staff writer. With armed teachers, actions can be taken against the shooters almost immediately. Which would cause havoc and chaos. Instead, they trained more than a dozen teachers and staff members as armed guards. This video from CNN discusses whether teachers should be armed. And this talk is necessary. I do not think teachers should be armed because, well, I have a lot of ideas and it would take to long to wright and I do not have a lot of time. Moreover, not all teachers are reliable. HEADFAKE Background: "The Great Debate" Cons: More Casualties Due to recent events such as the Columbine massacre and Sandy Hook more and more are asking "Should teachers be armed?" There are a lot of people who are against this idea. It will just make the situation worse. Giving ammunition, weapons, and training to each teacher is indeed very costly. While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. They say that it is not a teacher`s job to be armed security staff. A teacher who is armed could get angry at a student for a simple reason and injure them. The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control: Armed Teachers. "Law enforcement officers receive training and practice in evaluating quickly the risks of firing. The current proposal to arm teachers in Pennsylvania included no restrictions on how guns were to be stored on-campus, whether teachers would keep them holstered, in their desks or in gun safes, he said. It doesn't make sense. That is why teachers should be armed. Many people will argue that teachers carrying guns is just as unsafe. Security boost (with assistance by teachers) Armed school security guards will work with teachers to boost security in schools. Of course, only responsible educators with proper training should be armed. They say that ‘what we really need is less guns’. According to many, teachers carrying guns is unacceptable. Teachers already have a sense of power over the students and if we give them the right to have a gun, that's giving them even more power. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers. Donald Trump has said so – and suggested that those that don't might be inviting attacks on themselves. "I'm not just going to sit and hide and accept waiting, and seeing kids get shot or listening to kids die," said Zilinskas, who worked with White on his bill. Your email address will not be published. A teacher should have the right to keep themselves safe from harm. It would only increase a number of school shootings. Should Teachers be Armed Over the years we have heard that a school has been threatened or an intruder has came in and brought danger to the students, as a teacher they are taught to lock the door and hide in the corner thinking that the intruder won’t see them or won’t come in. Officials are still discussing the pros and cons of arming school teachers. Of course, only responsible educators with proper training should be armed. 4909, homicide in the home, Joe Biden, michael crichton, nra, pros and cons, Rage, risk factor, School Resource Officer, school shooting, shot by their own weapon, State Of Fear, steny hoyer, stephen king, Stockholm syndrome, STOP, suicide, war on drugs on 21 March 2018 … An increase in the frequency and intensity of discipline problems. I understand why people don't like the armed teachers idea. Here is a break down of pros and cons for arming teachers in our schools. Pros: Deterrence to anyone thinking of initiating an active shooter incident in the school; Armed teachers and staff would be readily available to address threats immediately ahead of police arrival Well, Let’s look into the logistics of this matter. Even the knowledge that a teacher might be armed could be enough to stop an uncertain individual from committing an act of … A teacher who is armed could get angry at a student for a simple reason and injure them. Teachers in schools across America would be better fitted to take down a shooter in action, if these said teachers are armed. Guns in schools is a touchy subject, and even some gun owners and 2nd amendment supporters are surprisingly against guns in … It would not be unsafe if the teachers carrying the guns were responsible and well-respected teachers who know how to operate a gun. Civic Agree on a clear memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the district and the police department, spelling out precisely who will make specific kinds of decisions about school safety matters and what laws and regulations will guide the actions of individual officers. Setting police and outfitted staff nearby could cause understudies to feel awkward. But personally, the only con I see is that of students taking the firearms from the teachers in an act of rage. We moderate comments. Emotional Appeal Video Presentation. A lot of people believe that it would be a right decision to arm teachers so that they would be able to protect students and themselves, lowering the chances of terrible tragedy. » Blog » Should modern teachers be armed to protect their students? The eruption of the gun debate has erupted nationwide and the decision is up to you! I'm not certain right now what we should do. However, we should remember that there are valid reasons for both banning and allowing teachers to have guns in schools. The eruption of the gun debate has erupted nationwide and the decision is up to you! An article by Huffington Post suggests that children of the school will be afraid knowing that their teachers are carrying concealed weapons. It would make schools feel safe. A lot of people believe that it would be a right decision to arm teachers so that they would be able to protect students and themselves, lowering the chances of terrible tragedy. But if I'm a teacher and I have reason to believe the cops won't intervene in a school shooting, I might want to be armed. " 863 Words 4 Pages. A lot of people are against such idea but Colorado teachers steadily adhere to their position – a gun is worth it to protect their children. We appreciate it when readers and people quoted in articles or blog posts point out errors of fact or emphasis and will investigate all assertions. It gives a classroom a fighting chance during a lockdown situation. Armed police responded in 45 of those incidents, while in seven cases civilians, security guards, or off-duty cops returned fire. via e-mail. Struggling to find some really professional service? In the wake of the Florida school shooting, the debate over whether teachers should carry guns in class has intensified. The president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, called arming teachers "one of the worst ideas I have heard in a series of really, really, really bad ideas." Some teachers should be armed with guns. Required fields are marked *. The number of violent deaths in London has reached 127 so far this year, surpassing the 2017 total of … What are the odds of survival or success for a teacher armed … '", 'Our banks, our airports, our NBA games, our NFL games, our office buildings, our movie stars, our politicians, they're all more protected than our children at school...Evil walks among us & God help us if we don't harden our schools & protect our kids' -Wayne LaPierre #NRA #CPAC, Pres. Which would cause havoc and chaos. With so many massacres happening around the world and in schools especially, there is a large debate upon whether teachers should carry guns or not. After a gunman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Fla. killed 17 people on Valentine's Day, Trump proposed arming "well trained, gun adept" teachers who had special training or military experience — he said his goal was 20 percent or more — and giving them bonuses for carrying guns. Top 10 Benefits of Armed School Security Guards 6. > What are the pros and cons of giving teachers guns? Then there are the pros and cons of this career to consider. When an emergency occurs, a quick response by law enforcement professionals is what everybody hopes for. We cannot trust teachers to take situations into their own hands. Teaching is not only about executing lesson plans and grading homework – it is about devoting your whole life to children. As a group, teachers care deeply about their students’ well-being but they are not aggressive enough to take the fight to the assailant. Even the knowledge that a teacher might be armed could be enough to stop an uncertain individual from committing an act of violence. Terms of Service. In this case, we may fix spelling and punctuation. • Armed staff on-site could respond to a shooter before police: In rural school districts or … A very small percentage of American teachers should be allowed to be trained and armed. But what are the pros and cons of armed patrols? It gives a classroom a fighting chance during a lockdown situation. Firearms in Schools Cons: Schools should be viewed as a sheltered, secure, and tranquil condition for learning. Reach him at 724 836 6660, or on Twitter @msantoni. Cons: Most teachers do not have the temperament to be put into the position of protecting students with a firearm. According to, there have been a total of 17 school shootings just in the year 2018 alone. But advocates of guns in schools should not assume armed security would stop such attacks, said Peter Blair, the author of the ALERRT study. Florida and Texas both experienced school shootings last year (Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, and Santa Fe High School in Texas), leading to debates in both states over whether or not arming teachers could prevent such tragedies. But we all know there is definitely an issue with keeping our schools safe from killers, whether they are armed with a gun or a knife, or whatever. In our honest opinion, if teachers are qualified, take the appropriate measures and want to bear arms to protect their students from disaster, then the pros and cons should be heavily examined. Teachers often need to protect themselves as they commute to and from school. We do not edit comments. Mark Zilinskas, an Indiana Area High School teacher who attended firearms training sessions in Ohio, where armed teachers are allowed, derided the current training that emphasizes locking down, hiding, escaping and using improvised weapons to distract or delay a shooter. Ken Trump, a consultant with the National School Safety and Security Services firm in Cleveland, countered by saying, "The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers…to teach in the classroom – not guns. • The guns teachers carry could be taken and turned against them, or used on the wrong people: Having guns in schools or classrooms could lead to them ending up in the wrong hands, said a representative of CeaseFire PA, a gun-control group. We value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. If a teacher has a classroom of 20 students who are trapped with an active shooter at their door, the presence of a firearm can help to save lives. List of the Pros of Being a Teacher … You will get a lot of … You are solely responsible for your comments and by using you agree to our Teachers tend to get more days off each year than other career options. It's good to throw ideas out on the table for discussion. We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments either by the same reader or different readers. Arming teachers won`t solve any problem. Pros and Cons of Armed Security in School General News ... Firearms in Schools Pros: Teachers, chairmen, and school staff prepared and entrusted with conveying covered weapons nearby can react a lot quicker than police and other specialists on call. As you can see, there are a lot of people who claim that arming teachers is a risky chance not worthy to take. In some emergency situations they are the first to treat victims and stop possible shooters. Cons: Training armed teachers is expensive, time consuming, and must be recurring Weapons cost, range fees, ammunition, instructor fees, etc. Even the knowledge that a teacher might be armed could be enough to stop an uncertain individual from committing an act of … Politicians and groups for and against guns quickly took sides on the proposal after Trump sent out a series of tweets adding some detail Thursday morning: • Having more people armed would deter shooters looking for an easy target: National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre argued this Thursday in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee, and Trump echoed his words closely at a discussion in the White House later that day. Trump on his position to arm teachers to protect schools, asking to 'harden' schools: 'If you're going to continue with this nonsense about a gun free zone... it is such a target for the killer.' Pros And Cons Of Guns Essay 1351 Words | 6 Pages. Prominent advices from Steve Jobs that can change your life, Essay on Social Movements and Transformation: Palestine, Argumentative Essay Sample: Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan, Essay Sample: Personal Development and Professional Development, Essay Sample: A Global Operations Manager. If there's a shooting at a school, should educators be prepared to shoot back? A place full of teachers with armed with firearms is not a school, it is a prison. "When you have seconds to act when you hear the code for an active shooter, is a teacher supposed to use those seconds getting her gun instead of getting her students to safety?". But these suggestions should be sent Educators should consider themselves as first responders. We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. There are both pros and cons to guns in school. “The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers, not guns,” said Kenneth S. Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services, in response to the national discussion on arming teachers and school staff, and armed volunteers in schools. Cori Sorensen, a fourth grade teacher from Highland Elementary School in Highland, Utah, receives firearms training with a .357 magnum from personal defense instructor Jim McCarthy during concealed weapons training for 200 Utah teachers in 2012. Now, let’s dive into three different reasons and sources on why these teachers should, and need to be armed. If you’re in a rural area with a long response time, it makes sense to me that somebody out to be armed. * Much cheaper than dedicated armed security. Your email address will not be published. The NRA’s recommendation was preceded on March 8, 2013 by a South Dakota law that will allow trained teachers to carry weapons at schools. The one, which you can distinguish among a "big pile"? Most law enforcement experts argue that teachers should not carry guns. Many teachers, school administration, and students can argue that guns will, in fact, save many lives. High school teachers must usually major is a content area, with some states pushing this requirement for fifth grade and higher. Last week, the NRA released its National School Shield Task Force Proposal. Pros: * You have someone on hand capable of stopping a shooter or other attacker. Should teachers be armed with killing machines? Teachers, school administrators and politicians across the nation have renewed the discussion of whether teachers should have guns in classrooms since … Teaching requires empathy, a relationship, and the development of a rapport, each of which is inimical to most situations involving an armed party in charge of a roomful of the unarmed. Teachers, school administrators and politicians across the nation have renewed the discussion of whether teachers should have guns in classrooms since the deadly Parkland, Fla., shooting in February. And American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten wrote in a letter to President Donald Trump that schools should be “safe sanctuaries, not armed fortresses.” She added, “The response we have heard is universal, most notably from educators who are gun owners, military veterans and National Rifle Association members: Teachers don’t want to be armed; we want to teach. Teachers should be able to protect themselves and others; therefore, they should be allowed to carry guns. We don't want to be, and would never have the expertise to be, sharp shooters; no amount of training can prepare an armed teacher to go up against an AR-15," Randi Weingarten, president of the National Federation of Teachers, said in a statement responding to Trump's proposal. By screening submissions, we provide a space where readers can share intelligent and informed commentary that enhances the quality of our news and information. I think teachers should have guns because parents today are already trusting teachers with their children's lives during school in case something serious happened like a tornado attack, and of course in this case a man breaking into school with a gun.

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