skier's edge machine

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A long 30 km ski today at Lake Louise. Yes, to the Back Door of Pocaterra, yes to Pipestone Blue (east) and Green (west) gates, and skier Bob Special which was a no brainer since you invented it, but I cannot take credit for “the tunnel”, unless my 73 yr old brain is losing it. Better than expected skate skiing at West Bragg. came off the 15 km loop at Watridge Tr and skied out to top of trail down to the Lake. After the Spray bridge it is skier tracks until the bridge over Bryant Creek then the trail gets a bit less travelled and eventually the number of trees across the trail make it not worthwhile unless you are on a backcountry adventure. Although the “groomed” XC ski trails on the north half of the Sandy McNabb network are currently a bit rough, the off-trail touring conditions are very good. Skied the Watridge Lake trail starting at about 0930 this morning. Was there in October just after the team finished trail work. A few photos: Be careful of descents down eastbound PineRidge from picnic table at far northern tip (that loop best done ccw) and westbound Balsam (off camber “cut line”, uneven surface and not wide enough to plow). Out my front door, I followed tire tread marks down the street and into the pathways at Fish Creek Park. If a car came you would be like a deer in the head lights. Clint, it’s not an easy trail. Great creativity to make such a “magazine cover”. The big draw for us is that its dog friendly so it’s a pawsitively perfect place to start our young pup. It has some pretty brutal hills and they are made more difficult because the trail is so narrow. PLPP sunrise powder tour up Elk Pass trail to couch hq. BRR. Kind of perplexed as to where they all were….. Took Fox Creek on the way back which is not groomed but great to ski on anyways. Behind those walls, the daintiest of ladies can comfortably drop trow. We dropped down to the old trail via Lower Come Along and found ice in the tracks at one spot. Swix VR40 kick wax worked well all day. Adding the out and back to the end of MLR would add an hour. Arrived around noon at Boulton to -8 temp. Ribbon Creek parking lot 8:45 am felt colder than -6 but no wind. Overall great conditions on the trails, Blueberry was the highlight of the day. Skier’s toe: Loose-fitting boots, vigorous foot movement, and a sweaty environment can lead to skier’s toe. Two of us turned left onto Amos, also trackset then a left turn back on Woolley which hadn’t been groomed. Perfect Tracks in the snow. Went to Lake Louise this morning. That would add $20 dollars to the cost of camping in Banff which already charges $10 for camping overnight plus a $13.50 telephone registration fee, thanks to Trudeau. Grooming was excellent considering limited snow. If we do not look after our skiing politics our skiing politics will not look after us. CNC – Dec 14 Fairview is groomed and trackset. Does anyone know why they weren’t able to continue grooming along the railway in this section?? WBC-from Highway 66 Is the pocaterra warming hut going to be open or closed during this next round of restrictions? No sign of moose meandering in the meadows, but did see a mouse on mountainview, motoring across the trail, jumping over the track canyons. Skogan Pass Definitely worth skiing at Sandy (full parking lot, lots of other skiers) but not a place for skinny skis at the moment. It snowed pretty well continuously the whole time I was there (about 6 hrs). No tracksets for Christmas. Great Divide starting from the BC side Cheers, Hi Ulrike, Pocaterra, Comealong and Lynx? A couple of trees remain on the trail. WBC Mountain Views CCW in the later afternoon. A couple of cars appear to want to park where the groomers must enter at the “Green” gate. Parking lot was full to overflowing with 10-15 cars parked on the road. Hostel loop is really rough due to lots of walkers, especially the eastern part. At our moderate “Rambler Shuffle” pace we were 3 hours up, 1 3/4 down, covering 26.5 km with total ascent of about 550m. I It was nice to meet Janice the poet waiting (impatiently?) THE T7 sets the standard for Skier's Edge machines. I did not encounter many people this morning, my only “complaint” would be for some dog owners (2 today) that believe it’s fine to let their dog run at you when you are full speed on a downhill. At our lunch stop by the Pipestone River- at least 4 other skiers stopped and asked if we had found the couch there. The snow is much better at Peter Lougheed, but you can’t skate there and it’s twice as far to drive! Nice work by the groomers. Descent was fast but easy to keep under control even with skinny skis. PLPP Quiet, cold day out there. It was a misty-mountain sort of day, with light snow falling and mountains that looked like ghosts in the mist. Better than normal for this time of year. The landscape almost had a black-and white look to it, like a faded old-fashioned postcard. beautiful ski and certainly not an intermediate trail. Boulton Ck parking, 10 am, snow temp -17 C, clear sky. Went about a kilometre past the Cascade bridge then back to a sunny dry spot with a beautiful view of Cascade mountain for a short lunch. Your couches were pretty crowded today. Soft snow, walkers and snowshoers Worst case, crawl under. Thanks for your comments Steve! Skier Bob Special – in reverse- We parked at Boulton Campground at -5C today and began with Moraine and Fox (both in need of more snow, but decent skier tracked sections at times) and up to the Elk Pass Trail. West elk track was not. It was absolutely beautiful! Very warm. Sun there ends at 3. Views. Green Swix grip wax did the trick, the temp ranged from -18 to -11. We happily followed your tracks after a quick loop on Hostel. Another 15 cm of new wet snow on this section should create good to very good conditions. I skied Meadowview to the end and then returned via Bow. I may look at putting ski safety straps on my XC skis to hit the Louise lifts and access Skoki Lodge with much greater ease and speed. I have never seen so many people there, either for golf or ski! Pipestone was very good again today – visited the couch- Thanks MaSid. The snow has been skier packed on hills and it is in great shape (aka not terrifying going down). The firm spring snow allows for more of a ski camber rebound or bounce which helps spring up the hills than the winter snow does. A lovely long gradual descent northbound along Pocaterra, then cut back along Lynx and Amos trails back to my starting point. Conditions were amazing. And there’s a new little loop groomed and trackset below the penalty loop area. Started -17C at 9:15AM – -7C when finished! All were in beautiful condition, and skiing across the lake was magical! Another advantage of counter-clockwise is that you have lots of options to extend your trip when you reach the Telephone – Moose junction, based on how much time you have and how tired you are after finishing Telephone. Had a great ski up to Blueberry Hill, track set till Hydro junction then very good skier track all the way up. Trails a bit busy even on the outskirts, but everyone was happy. Thanks, Be prepared as you will be contesting for a spot with the sledders. Was going up to Coal Mine: too much snow for narrow skis. Probably needs a higher back and a wind wall at some point as it’s in the open. Fresh skate tracks on beautiful corduroy and a blue sky sunny day. Hi Kevin, thanks for the feedback. What a steep pitch! Fresh corduroy and first tracks down thyrwitt. Unfortunately most walkers are completely ignoring the signs, walking on the XC-only trails, and all over Mountain Road instead keeping to the south edge. Details as always in the photo descriptions here: Well done Sara… now we have a new area to explore… and you broke the trail! Got entertained at the fork ‘n meadow couch by a family or two of woodpeckers hammering away on the adjacent trees. Photos at And yes, we have that on our playlist along with the ancient stuff, never too aged for metal. There are a couple of thin spots on the west side of Mountain View East hill. Groomer was just coming through Fairview as we skied up around noon. Glad you and others followed the new track through the blueberry meadows, as it needed a reset. Both great fun. His METAL edge skis on his sled did a tip dive when he hit some crusty tracks and he flipped over into a deep snow tree well head first. Bring water and don’t eat the snow. Skied Bow River Loop in Lake Louise. It doesn’t get any better… cold snow and mild temperatures (-5). Dog sleds are running. The grooming is pretty soft still so the steeper hills are fairly gouged out. Lots of foot traffic beside and around the tracks. Details available in the photo descriptions here Trails are rough and beat up by walkers and snowshoers, even encountered a few way up the west Pine Ridge loop on our descent. Onwards to Elk Pass and down to Fox Creek . Details available in the photo descriptions here: A couple twigs, but nary a rock to be seen! The night was so magical that it felt like being suspended in some time warp and sense of awe. We had more difficulty than usual trying to herringbone up east Pine Ridge Loop with long skis, trail is super narrow this year. Temperature was -2°C to start. I assume the problem will be fixed with the next tracksetting. Fresh track set Tuesday night from Elk Pass Parking Lot up Elk Pass Trail and all the way to the end of Blueberry. Had lunch on the cabin deck. Cold damp cloud with a stiff breeze from the south in the west elk pass meadows. . Shark today: We arrived at the trailhead at -3C, wind gusts and fresh snow that covered any previous tracksetting. That section is skier tracked though and passable. Rewaxed with VR45 at the O’Hara road and this worked perfectly for the return climbing. Roughly 1 cm of recent extremely wet snow that would build up on top of the skis and add a lot of weight. We’re gonna have a Gothic Christmas On the way down we met a few skiers coming from Banff and on the way back there was definitely more traffic coming down. Classic would be wonderful there right now. A cool day but great snow! Ended at about 1130. Moraine-Fox Ck-Elk Pass-Tyrwhitt (perfectly trackset)-Packers. In my opinion- trying to accommodate multiple user groups on Telephone has been a bit of a failure. I started out on the west leg of Hostel which is excellent. ON a positive note due to our extended day we were able to enjoy the full moon in all of its splendour. Stopped by Mount Shark trailhead. Is this a multi-user trail? Very frosty trees on Lookout and near Elk Pass. Elkwood Wheeler Morraine Bolton Creek retun, the latter two not trackset. Finished the trip back through the neighbourhood streets, admiring the Christmas Lights. In fact, I hated that section so bad today, that is does not deserve an acronym! We made it to Elk Pass, I had planned a fondue for the pass, but temperatures were dropping and the high humidity brought a beautiful mist. -16 at the Bolton Creek parking lot as I arrived. Yes- conditions above Sunburst on Skogan were excellent, and fast! Warmed to -8 and crowds appeared, lots wearing Santa hats. -7 at 9am, snowed lightly for half the day. Elk Pass Trail was good, glazed, with debris in the treed areas. Skogan Pass (-11C at 9:00am) I’m a classic skier and the tracks are fairly good but have also been tramped down in areas. Skied Skogan Pass, Ribbon loop, and Terrace. My personal opinion, the trail is easier if everybody goes the same way! More snow on a hardpacked snowmobile trail made for good conditions today. Spied some lynx tracks on the km before the junction. We had to park two blocks away. Probably doable with skinnier skis after a couple more bodies pass through. Boot top or more trail breaking. Couch doesn’t get sun in the morning till 1130ish. Wonderful conditions at the south Ribbon Creek trails today. Lots of walker foot pits too, but given the conditions they were not really much of an issue. preferably by a sunny meadow. The trail is narrow and you need solid snowplow technique to confidently descend the downhills. The tracks were good, temperature at a crisp -14C as we climbed Tramline to Fairview which was magical in the sun and frosted trees. Postural drainage is a technique used to mobilise large amounts of secretions in people with respiratory conditions.Postural drainage relies on the effects of gravity to drain the secretions (phlegm) from one or more lung segments into the central airways where it can be removed via … Skating is okay but be prepared for the potential of lots of scrapes on the bottoms. Two of us were volunteering at Pocaterra Parking Lot on Sunday to inform people about park passes and were impressed by the support and kindness that people showed. Groomer informed me that the device bob referenced the other day is call a “drag renovator”. I should have listened to my subconscious and just stuck to XC skiing this year. Blue wax worked well all day. Snow conditions were quite good today. It may be late for me to ask, but has anyone done the North end PLPP? -9 with VR 40. Arrived 9:30 (ish) am. Co-incidentally- I came across this today, shared elsewhere by “groomer J…” Lots of cars in the parking lot but they must have been snowshoers because we only saw two other skiers. It’s -4 degrees C and 12 cm of snow has accumulated at the Peter Lougheed Discovery Centre. Not much change from Tanya’s report yesterday. Thanks dianna. Great xc track setting. We started at the Pocaterra parking lot and skied out along Pocaterra, headed up to the Lookout on fresh grooming and screamed down the other side. Fallen people on the ground, folks resting halfway up, others standing in the middle of the trail… we had to slalom around people to try and descend. Useful knowing the sun info also! Covered with VR 30 for return trip down the west side along the Lakes. We used blue wax and had good results even if the wax was more or less black by the end of the day. Cars do not need to “socially distance”, especially when a lot is so small and popular. WBC (-9C @ 8:30am) On the main menu, under “Maps” is a tab entitled “Trailhead locations.” On the sidebar, check the “Categories” heading, and the “Places to Ski” heading for more information on specific trails. The downhills on the way back were fun, even with a few small intermittent bumps. to Patterson Jct. We parked at Boulton Creek (-10C @ 9:30am) and skied Whiskey Jack perfectly groomed, we had to break trail on Tyrwhitt (20cm of fresh snow) and then from Elk pass back to Fox Creek and Boulton Creek the trails were skier tracked. Looked like groomers had done a lot of shovelling work-thank you!! Stamped out the snow bench again behind the table as auxiliary seating when busy. Other than this, good snow coverage and good track for classic. West Bragg Creek- New Years Eve. The snow coverage was just boot deep across the lake, with one area of slush. The skate lane looked a bit used and could do with a refresh but still doable. They were very helpful to me. Most of the double trackset trail was quite good (Whiskey, Poca, Tyrwh, Elk pass). Open area between Kananaskis river bridge and golf course mostly blown in first thing in the AM. Snow was fast going in until about 4 kilometers beyond Cascade River bridge. Had a great day even if the trails had more debris than snow in many places. Looks like it’s just north of Evan Thomas Creek. Beautiful ski day at Lake Louise from the Chateau parking lot, skied down Tramline, then up Moraine to close the top then back to Fairview. Some major hazards: for those ascending west Pine Ridge Loop, on a small descent after the big hill, you will hit a big dip by a tree. -15C in the Castle Lookout parking lot at 9:45am. That snow looks really good! The trail to Shadow Lake has been widened. Back at the parking lot, I had a quick chat with the volunteers checking the parking pass, I was told 80% of cars had a parking pass, the remaining 20% will buy their pass soon! And then just a bit further down, is a crater by a tree, J took a snow dive rather than taking the crater and I walked down. We headed straight to Watridge Lake on excellent skier set track. Early section of the trail through the forest was nearly needle free. Some of the south facing slopes were melted and refrozen with rock and clay exposed. Aarg! Generally moderate speed but there were slow sections and very fast sections. Tramline tracks were very good to excellent. Ribbon: parking lot just got properly plowed, for those with lower clearance vehicles. I returned along Mountain Road and Moose Connector to the West Crystal / Mountain View junction. Happy Boxing Day to all! Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and hope for the best. Needs skins when it’s deep like this. Details available in the photo descriptions here: Minus 4 upon return to parking lot at 1:45. WBC December 26, 11:30am- 1:30ish Everything was recently groomed and temp was about -15 first thing and then warmed to -8. The driving range loop is excellent, and the golf course loop has a solid classic track. Expert skiers prefer boots with a stiffer flex index, 130 or higher. The Bryant Creek trail is in good condition, though with a fair number of downed trees, as someone else pointed out. There is a strong Chinook blowing, with a wind warning for the Bragg Creek area. You are our link to the legends of Halfway Hut! Metal edges straightened out the trail in these areas. Spray River West/East loop was in good condition on Sunday Dec 27. Some big scat piles near the Upper Skogan Loop, connector. Thin snow pack directly below trees along Moraine and Fox Ck. All others were excellent. Healy Creek Trail is in good condition overall. Cascade is very good right now, let’s hope the forecast rain doesn’t happen. We skied most of the 15km loop, omitting the first section with the big uphills. It still has too many rough, bumpy bits and a number of surprise icy areas just where you would want to be slowing down. The S-bend was nice, with just a bit of hard-pack on the lower section. -3C at 9:45 am and 0C at 2:30 pm. Only about 10-12 cars in the Boulton Bridge lot. VR40 worked fine all day. Just a quick morning ski. Not too busy with room in the parking lot at the Lake Louise end. A Polar wax -19 at 8am and no sun on said chesterfield, so kept moving down meadow and wondered back through the pow from earlier this week ….on some of the regular routes (Hydro, FoxCr…) but also down Lower Lake trail (groomed only) and followed untracked winter High Rockies (bike path/snowshoe) trail back to the Upper Lakes parking lot where it had warmed up to a balmy -11 ! Beware of the coyote cruising the lakes trail at dusk. There is not a lot of space to ski anymore as the road at that point is on the west side of the hydroline right of way. I tried removing several rocks and sticks from the trail but was largely unsuccessful due to being followed by a dog who insisted on fetching and returning them to me! Our loop: we started at the ranger station, went up the Pine Ridge Trail, over to Long Prairie via a connector trail to skip the top loop on Pine Ridge, skied around the Long Prairie Loop (counter clockwise,) down to the Death Valley parking lot by the gate, went across the road and skied back on Meadow Loop. Good supportive travel with only ankle to boot top ski pens (LT). I continued on to about 1 km beyond the BR9 Campground, about 22 km round trip. Six people passed back and forth, so expect a well established meadow trail to the hydroline (not capitalized, not the groomed trail). The Egypt side of Healy Pass has some real sweet cold silky snow and no crust where I skied. Went with Blue VR30 wax and it did the trick all day. Back in the olden days in the 70’s, when I was a fishing junky, I used to spend a couple of weeks a year at least camped in Halfway Hut fly fishing the local lakes. I was impressed by all the signs the groomer put up! Lots of smiling faces! VR40 worked well for the entire loop. Got to the parking lot by 1030 and still found room. Happy Holidays Everyone. We are grateful for the groomers for having completed grooming on Skogan, made for a merry Alberta Christmas Day. Weather at PLDC this morning is -10 degrees and clear skies. Bow river loop and campground today. Trail is still in great condition throughout, with a thin layer of scrapped snow on the descent to the Goat Creek bridge. If you are travelling down hill and making a turn at the same time, the implement will drift to the opposite side of the turn. Someone sent me a card several months ago: front of card said “Alexa, Skip to 2021: and here it is. Like Michael suggests, you don’t have to go to the top of MLR if your time gets short. Conditions were absolutely terrific, although a bit nippy! I hope he has rock skis for his sleigh. Blue wax worked well. It’s quite an adventure, and I’ve skied it three times in recent years which you can read about:,, Very beginner friendly. Wedge Connector was pristine and the corduroy soft for the most part. Macabee trail ski track was snowshoe-packed flat, so stick to other trails. Based on the West Bragg Creek Groomers Report, I thought I’d check out Moose Connector, Moose Loop, and Mountain View, all of which were just groomed. We were alone on the way up and we met many people going up and it was nice to see people staying on the right hand side to give room for the downhill skiers. Signs indicate that ski skating is permitted but a couple complained that the area not wide enough, but xcountry classic skiers dissappointed that about 5 skaters had chopped up the newly groomed trail. Superb day again! Thank goodness it was short. Not the greatest blocks given the snow, but works just fine. Best to turn around before you get that far. Minus 17 near the Creek at noon which was a bit of a cold surprise! The Elkwood parking lot was relatively quiet… about half full. The Pipestone trails at Lake Louise were all superb today, not withstanding the -20C start. -17C. The Skiers Edge Story: Chapter Two – The Design, The Skier’s Edge Story: Chapter One – The Beginning. The icing on the cake was a nice fast glide back down Tramline to the cars. Great warm up for the mountains! because I think I scared a few people by skiing up behind them and saying passing on your left. Generally moderate speed and difficulty trail breaking travel. Other than that, it was in pretty good condition. Great day out though! Then onto the Alluvial Fan which we did in both directions, tracks holding up well. Do you get the wet and frozen mask effect from wearing a Buff mask? The first 100 or so meters of the Healy Creek trail is in poor windswept shape as usual at this time of year. I also did a fair bit of packing at last year’s location in case a couch needs to make an appearance there as well. Alll other lots have only a few vehicles, except for Pocaterra where a UofC ski group has about 30 vehicles. The north trails had been destroyed from hikers who can’t read a map! I just received this photo from a skier’s cell phone. Jeff and I met at Boulton at 9:30. Very fine skiing and weather throughout on a blue (VR 40) afternoon. As both a XC skier and fatbiker, I’ve been curious about fatbiking the Great Divide, so really appreciate that, and nice to see the new signage. that Date Confusion is common. Don’t bring your brand new skis as rocks are numerous and visible particularly on one of the longer hills. Would be nice if it’s near Calgary, I don’t mind driving further though. Travel along the hydroline either to the hut or back up to elk pass has been compromised by a deeply plowed logging access road, and possibly more. Conditions were fabulous at West Bragg Creek! At night frost hit the trail on the Egypt side of Healy Pass and made climbing up very nice and grippy. Yes. Good approximation of what you’ll encounter at the shark trail head. Has anyone been out to Mt Shark yet? Need fresh snow to cover., PLPP-Elkwood It would be helpful if everyone parallel parked in the main lot, so to allow more cars to get in. The Couch HQ site was full as we passed by. Really nice trackset out to the Spray River bridge today. There were a lot of poorly parked vehicles in the parking lot, so part of the overflow parking problem was due to people taking up 1.5 parking stalls. Quick and fun- A great way to warmup. There is (of course) great coverage everywhere from the 6″+ new snow and we hacked our way up to Karst Springs. Beyond the border to the O’Hara road the tracks were excellent. Woolley and the meadow-less “Meadow” trail were in decent groomed-only condition. Ski penetration was averaging just below boot top with some areas above the boot. The Watridge Trail is in generally good firm packed groomed skiing condition. 2nd option is Tom Snow north for a similar rustic experience but skier set only and mellower grades. Loads of cars in the parking lot when I left at 1pm. I was reminded “not to snowplow!”.!AqXDj5Vy8Nk4kWnqk6lEAhmHGQB_?e=fohMzC, Make sure you get out there before it all melts. About 2 or 3 inches of the new stuff in the track at west elk. Now that is not good humor, that is great skier humor with a quasi political twist. Out and back is best currently with the logging that has now reached the hydroline exit point. As someone else mentioned, there was a bit of sinking on some of the Ribbon Loop trail, but the rest was more firm. Picked our way down and found that Bow Trail was perfectly trackset all the way to the end of the trails. ‘Twas a jolly good meadow time today. However, I would recommend NOT descending Packers until it gets at least 6cm of snow and a groom. Designing each part down to the most minute detail, assembly requires precision and care. Mt. I’m going to try bringing a bear bell next time. West Bragg Creek Went up to lookout as well (which had a decent skier trackset – but not packed which made the black decent interesting). From Sunshine Parking Lot. Skier set track present going down hydroline, right down the plowed logging road. Somewhat better than average base and travel. Do you know if the trails are groomed on a regular schedule. Skier tracked only. Then we skied up to the lakeshore trail and followed it to Peyto and the Divide and down Tramline where we emerged in the sun again to finish our ski. Back to car at 1:00, maybe 0 deg, I forgot to check. Chris and Karl, do you mean Castle Lookout? I found the couch… Thanks MaSid. Did you buy your parking pass???? Still, excellent conditions given that there’s no snow around the town of Banff. Happy New Year! I always start my trip reports with the date and the name of the area I skied, and then a description of the trip. Pocaterra was smooth and fairly fast, but not track-set yet. I did a ski touring adventure on a combination of snowshoe trails, all-season trails, horse trails and off-trail wandering. Parking can be challenging – the lot was very full by the time we arrived just before lunch. Good for a laugh Worth every minute and longing for more. The Elk Pass Trail from Hydroline Jct. All bridges are snow covered. Dec 14: (CNC) The open section of the Banff trail was in good shape for classic, but as Mike said, the skate lane was pretty chewed up from machinery. Keep and eye in the SWS sky just after dark to around 6:30 pm for Saturn and 8 pm for Jupiter at the latest as they set around that time. Elk Pass, Tyrwhitt, back down to Hydroline and Patterson, then home. Shark -10C 10:30 no wind Trail reports show no grooming in past week. Generally it is relatively easy to get around them or go over them. The trail to the pass was in fantastic shape and the descent was nice and controllable. Grip and glide were simply outstanding. What a difference a year makes, never encountered worse conditions even though the snow is great. More evasive (indirect) track setting may be needed (-: Pipestone Green Trails up: Hector/Drummond to Mud Lk/Merlin then Blue #20 down. Late afternoon ski. -15 this morning at 8AM in the elk pass parking lot (warmer than down the road luckily). Hi Bob, Surprised that VR45 worked very well on the lower trails but a bit slow on the high ones. The uphills were hard work, the downhills fun powder skiing, especially for my daughter who used to race with Canmore Nordic. We skied Fairview onto Morraine Lake road to the lookout and return. Moose a bit worn, but skiing well, West Crystal and variants in good shape. I would have done it but I met a real keen lady who was trying to figure out how to ski in the backcountry. I guess we should have gotten a later start! Our Mission: Like rogers pass but without the turns. Didn’t really get the forecasted sun with a cloud streaming over elk pass as far as blueberry and lookout. Skiing up Deception pass is mostly windslab and hard drifts which made for an interesting ski down. -15 C at 10:00 am to -9 C at 1:30 pm VR30 worked perfectly, Dec 12 West Bragg Creek (WBC) CAUTION: Hwy 40 crossing is extremely icy. Great Divide – skated early this afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed the packed and fast conditions. Lots of needles and debris. They will still have a great outing, get some exercise, and you can enjoy the experience together, which is really what it’s all about, right? The skier’s weight and height are key factors in identifying the correct flex. Had lunch on the bench at 10.5 km junction. I think I saw a lot of the skier Bob community today.

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