snowbirds leaving for the summer checklist

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Some snowbirds prefer to transport their own pantry food from home, but there's no way it would fit in our vehicle either to/from our winter destination. Attention Snowbirds! Updated October 10, 2017 — Editor’s note: This article was originally written in 2010, but has been updated many times.Don’t miss the Member comments at the end – they are really terrific! Also clean the oven. We were used to house maintenance in a very different climate. These conditions are ripe for the growth of mold and fungus. The pdf printable checklist is a comprehensive reminder of everything you need to do in both homes regardless of time of year. Many snowbirds opt to purchase cheaper sets of these things near their rental and place them in self-storage during the summer months until they return. Some wait until after Christmas to head to Florida, enjoying only three or four months of a Floridian winter. The air conditioning is the most important tool in keeping you home clean during the summer months. Bedding before leaving the season so what is a house vacant while you like gold down to serious consideration whether you can also cause. If you have not done so, it is great idea to put together a checklist of items todo before leaving during the summer. Here is a checklist of things to consider before leaving your Phoenix home for the summer months. Some people will do all of these and some people won’t. Enlist a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on the property or hire a property management company. “Snowbirds” preparing to head north to avoid Florida’s brutal summer heat will want to safeguard their winter residences before taking off. Arrange for a friend or service to shutter up your home and tape over areas where wind may enter. Here is our little-things list. Close all blinds and curtains. I am a member of the Canadian Snowbirds Association. If your chimney doesn’t have a covering, have one installed before the winter. Leave Your Air Conditioner in Good Condition Three weeks before you leave is a good time for an air conditioner check-up by a professional, but there is also some maintenance you can do yourself: • Change the air conditioning filter, or, if washable, wash it. A Snowbirds Checklist to Winterizing Your Vacant Home Before You Fly South. Snowbird’s Leaving for the Winter Checklist October 31, 2017 Serious SEM While falling leaves begin to hit the ground in the Northeast and Midwest, snowbirds in those districts begin to get restless. If you own a home or apartment in the Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Oldsmar, Dunedin or Safety Harbor, there are important things to do to keep your home clean and safe over the summer. Here we have a checklist of the migrating population before they head south. Print this checklist and share it with fellow snowbirds to help them prepare their homes for the months when they are away. When leaving your summer home for the chilly winter months, you'll need to make sure the home is prepared for colder temps by shutting off water, cleaning up the outdoors, and more. When you leave for the summer, there are a lot of little things to do. Check your smoke alarm and make sure it has brand new batteries. Black History Month Printable Activities and Worksheets, How to Make Yourself Cry to Relieve Stress. Please help us improve. If you’re considering flying (or driving) south for the winter, you’ve probably thought about whether to rent or buy, and how you’ll get to your warm-weather getaway.Another thing to consider: what to bring with you and how to pack it all. There are a few approaches to deal […] Have the full address and zip code of your rental home or the home you own in the U.S. with you to show at the border if requested. Pinellas County is a popular destination for snowbirds. Unplug appliances. Final Packing Tips Regardless of what your individual needs are, a few packing … Though it varies each year, most snowbirds leave Florida in late April. Why wasn't this page useful? Unplug all appliances, TVs, lamps, radios, washers, dryers and small electronics. If you're a snowbird, you probably have a lot to remember as you move between residences. So whether you're a snowbird on a budget or you have unlimited funds, use this printable snowbird checklist to help keep you organized as you travel from home to home. Open doors to dishwasher, washing machine to prevent mold. Winter is over, and you're heading home. The main issue of keeping your home clean over the summer is keeping the humidity at bay. Service HVAC so it works when you return. Since you will not be there to secure your property should a hurricane strike, put up your storm windows and take all other precautions to protect your home from hurricane damage before leaving. Mail. Chasing the sun no matter what season is a great way to spend both the summer and the winter. There is a long To-Do list that must be completed before leaving and upon arrival. Visit your veterinarian for a checkup of your pet. Clean your home thoroughly to help discourage new “residents” from moving in. To open the printable, click on the image. A lot of people like to head South once winter arrives, but what happens to their homes during this time. While falling leaves begin to hit the ground in the Northeast and Midwest, snowbirds in those districts begin to get restless. If you drive without pets and have some great hotel, rest stop and restaurant recommendations I would love those as well. 6 THE CSA TRAVELLERS’ CHECKLIST HEALTH CARE AND YOUR PET Immunization & Checkups Carry proof of immunization if travelling with your pet. They are great for keeping me up to date on snowbird topics and all the latest happenings. If you've been snowbirding for a while, chances are you already have a routine in place. We’ve put together some tips for snowbirds to follow before heading south for the winter. Snowbirds Summer Cleaning Checklist. The state’s near-tropical summer climate makes humidity control, flood protection and mold and mildew prevention three areas of concern for every snowbird. Although it is difficult to make a thorough preparation when you are away, there are a few things you can do to mitigate damage that may be caused by storm activity. The heat of a Florida summer combined with your A/C not running at full capacity (which we'll get to later) means it'll be hot and moist and that's a recipe for mold and mildew growth. Printable Snowbird Checklist and Home Preparation Tips, Assessing the Elderly for Self Directed Care. So, before you leave, be sure to clean out any and all foods and drinks from your refrigerator and clean up any spills or residue. Protecting Your Florida Home: Tips for Snowbirds and Summer Travelers Whether you are a snowbird heading north in order to avoid Florida’s brutal summer heat or a family getting ready to travel for the summer, there are ways you will want to safeguard your residence before taking off. Discuss microchip identification of your pet with your veterinarian prior to leaving. Some snowbirds will eventually seek permanent residence in their southern home. To help retirees in that situation with their preparations, we are happy to present our ever-popular “ Snowbirds Checklist for Leaving for the Winter Checklist ” article. They usually stay until the end of May or so, and then do the same thing the following year. However, as with any long-term travel, planning a winter escape requires a thorough process. If you have not done so, it is great idea to put together a checklist of items todo before leaving during the summer. If this describes you, then you must leave your house knowing the home must be able to withstand severe heat and monsoon-like storms.Take a look at a checklist of preparations and extra precautions Southwestern … Service the AC unit before leaving with a professional technician. When leaving your summer home for the chilly winter months, you'll need to make sure the home is prepared for colder temps by shutting off water, cleaning up the outdoors, and more. In Florida the season is November through April or sometimes it can start in September. Lower thermostat to at least 55°F (13°C) (don’t turn it off; it could freeze). – Leave large buckets or tubs of water in each room to provide moisture for your furniture, art and cabinetry. Close fireplace flue. This makes Pinellas County a quiet place during the summer and busy place in the winter. A snowbird stay can be 3-6 months. Once at your winter home, take care of all necessary tasks to ensure you have what you need and will live comfortably for the winter months as you enjoy the sunshine. Snowbird Checklist For Leaving Home. While you're away, it's important to ensure the security of your home by alerting neighbors of your impeding travel, locking everything, and arranging for home monitoring while you're away. If you… Read More The checklist will help you reverse the process and return to your summer home while managing critical administrative, cleaning, packing, security, and transportation tasks. Set lights and sprinklers on timers. Turn off water heater. Over 21% of the population are seniors, close to 200,000 people. You also need to pack and remember to bring important items and documentation while still minimizing the amount of stuff you bring with you. Open interior doors: Leaving your interior doors open — such as the doors to cupboards, rooms, closets, etc.— helps the air circulate while you’re gone. When you are away there are some things you can do to keep your home safe and secure. When you want to escape the cold Northern winters, having a second home, condo or apartment in Florida helps. Winter is coming, and their minds turn to their homes in hotter climes. Perform indoor maintenance. 35 Tips to Prepare Your Home For an Extended Summer Absence." qForward your mail and stop newspaper delivery. 'Summer-izing' your Park Model Some Tips gleaned from the more 'experienced' The condition, maintenance, upkeep and construction of park models were a bit of a lesson for me. During the summer in Florida, we get  tornadoes and nasty tropical storms including hurricanes. In addition to built-up dirt, the summer heat and humid- All Rights Reserved. If you're new to snowbirding, the checklist provides an outline of everything you need to do. Snowbirds usually start arriving in Pinellas County in numbers in late October and early November, with an additional large influx in January. Winter season in Pinellas County is snowbird season. If you need help, check out this guide for Adobe printables. But, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Florida summers are hot and humid. Snowbirds are people that live here in southern Florida seasonally and come from the colder northern climates to escape the harsh winters. Make sure your passport and NEXUS cards are handy for crossing the border and not packed in the trunk. Getting ready to travel back up north for the summer? Leave all the interior doors open so the air can circulate inside the house. A snowbird should prepare their northern home for the winter, register their vehicle in the southern state, and notify the United States Postal Service of their temporary change in address. The climate is fantastic during the winter, the cost of living in Pinellas County is low and there are plenty of activities to enjoy in the surrounding area. We bring a few snacks for the road trip and then purchase everything else once at our destination. These tips for Snowbirds leaving Florida will help make sure you continue having a home to escape to when the temperatures dip. There are some things to keep in mind. Don't leave a message on the answering machine that tells callers you're out-of-town. It is also a great idea to clean extensively before you leave. If you’re a snowbird who calls New York home in the warmer months but heads south for the winter, you know that your summer home needs special care before you leave. Not less important, just the opposite. We hope this list help make your stay here in Pinellas County more comfortable and enjoyable. Here are some tips for the AC unit. Please leave a message below in comments and I will reach out to you. Which Brands of Designer Handbags Are Most Affordable? Set your humidity controller to 50% or so and test it to make sure it if functioning. If you’re like many snowbirds who are closing up their southern residence and heading back north for the summer months, you’ll want to protect your home or condo against high humidity, flooding and mold and mildew before leaving. When you leave for the summer, there are a lot of little things to do. The close you can come to the goal, the better you will feel when you move back in during the fall. Which means many snowbirds are starting to wrap up their summer and getting ready to head south for the winter. Make sure all windows are shut before leaving. Seniors have a lot of activities and company here in Pinellas County. Winterize Your Summer Home. by Jenean McLoskey ... And of course, don't leave out any outdoor furniture or flowerpots that could blow away in the wind – put these items in storage! And had no experience with leaving a residence for as much as 8 months. Florida is a popular place for Snowbirds. Immunize your pet for the duration of your vacation. Snowbirds! Don’t leave any food for the bugs! Close all the blinds and drapes to keep as much heat out of the house as possible. Benefits – lower electrical cost and avoid mold and fungus problems, Pull out slightly and clean behind the refrigerator, Run ice cubes through the garbage disposal with a little, Use anti-fungal cleaning products in areas of potential high moisture, Leave phone book on toilet seat or cover and seal in some way, Notify post office of your move and have them forward mail, Give contact a phone list of important people and service providers (AC, insurance, handyman, etc), Tell neighbors who, in general should be at the home, Have trusted contact visit home on occasion during summer. To keep your Florida residence in great condition while you’re gone, here’s a list of a few tasks to best prepare your home for an extended leave. Snowbird’s Leaving for the Winter Checklist. Gallery of Short Hair Styles for Senior Women, Pictures of Polished Hairstyles for Mature Women, Pictures of Short Hairstyles for Gray Hair, Modern Options for Senior Women's Hairstyles. These practical packing tips for snowbirds include what to think about before you pack and what you absolutely mustn’t forget. In many cases, these homes are left vacant for several months, and if they aren’t properly winterized they can suffer serious damage during that time. This checklist was prepared by Roger Selway, owner of Sun Valley Home Watch in ... Roger "Attention Snowbirds! Inspect your home for openings that animals could use to enter. Have the coils cleaned, filter changed, and add coolant. Lines there was the tank and drains with snowbirds and property. The goal is to leave your home for the summer in a condition that is like new. © 2006-2021 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. When you leave for the summer, you will want to make sure that the kitchen is clean as can be. The term "Snowbirds" is referred to when persons leave their homes for another climate temporarily. Click to download a printable snowbird checklist. The AC keeps your home dry. Be sure to … Clean, defrost and unplug refrigerators and freezers, wiping them dry and leaving doors propped open to prevent mildew. This is very common at retirement communities. Everyone wants to come return to a clean home, so making sure you clean before you leave is also important, especially emptying garbages and the fridge so you don't arrive to a smelly mess. Checklist for snowbirds heading south . If you're new to snowbirding, the checklist provides an outline of everything you need to do. Most snowbirds head to Florida in October and return home in April or May. The Northeast is beautiful year-round, but the colder months can be challenging for some. Close the flue and check the covering on your chimney before heading out of town. When Do Snowbirds Leave Florida? Below we go over some of the things you should do before you leave for the summer. In April and May, snowbirds retreat from their desert winter homes and migrate to northern U.S. and Canadian residences to escape the sweltering summers. Heat and humidity continue to rise steadily through spring and summer, keeping most snowbirds out of state until early October. Summer in Florida and other points south means oppressive heat, very high levels of humidity and often heavy rains. qAsk a trusted neighbor or relative to regularly check on your home, and remove flyers and other items that may have been left at your door. Take Care of Administrative Tasks Snowbirds: The Complete Checklist to Winterize your Residence With a winter that never seems to end, many retirees are contemplating a snowbird lifestyle for upcoming years. Snowbird season also benefits sun-seeking vacation renters—thanks to an increased inventory of rentals. Snowbirds: Here are 9 steps to protect your winter nest Leaving home for months requires some preparation to minimize risks. If you're driving, make sure all important vehicle maintenance tasks are up to date so you can arrive safely. Whether you're heading south for the winter or returning north during the summer, this snowbirds' printable checklist will help you close down one home and return the other. If you keep the humidity low in your home, you will keep mold and fungus from growing in your home while you are away. A clean kitchen will make coming back a pleasant experience with no surprises. Prepare shutters and tape for use in case of a storm. You'll also need to take care of important administrative tasks, such as forwarding your mail, securing prescriptions, and similar tasks. Checklist for Snowbirds Leaving Summer Home Winterize Shut off water at main valve. Some people will do everything right and still return to storm damage or water damage, and some people barely think about the consequences of leaving a home in extreme heat and come back to find everything in great … However, the above checklist can help keep you organized. The snowbird lifestyle is one that many enjoy, and why wouldn't they? by Susan Donovan | Aug 15, 2012 | Pinellas Life.

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